If you are that traveler who would love to make an impact in the environment, the communities and lives of new people you come across and be remembered forever, this expedition is for you. This kind of trip involves like-minded people who wish to enjoy their experiences and have
great memories through supporting or teaching while learning more from the local communities. There are various projects you can involve yourself in and just to mention a few:

  • Environmental sustainability and conservation.
  • Entrepreneurship and local business coaching and if not enough sponsor a small-scale business. The whole idea is to teach self-sustainability contrally to aid giving.
  • Educational support which may come in forms of building or maintaining a learning infrastructure for a chosen school, support with learning materials, build a library and even sponsor needy students for a certain period.
  • Health and hygiene projects in rural areas. Disease prevention and give malnutritional support to the needy families while educating them about self-care and sustainability.
  • Modern agriculture techniques and food security in the local communities. Making a positive impact in the places and communities you travel to can beconsidered as part your trips DNA on this expedition. Spice up this trip with a safari
    tour and visits to some of Malawi’s top destinations.

Trip duration: 7-10 Days.

Contact Us  for more details